Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule [Updated] /Gov’s Schedule/ Bills Introduced
Here are the Senate and House Calendars and Committee meetings showing bills of interest as well as a list of new environmental bills introduced-- Bill Calendars House (June 5): House Bill 410 (Warner-R-Fayette) performance-based budgeting. <> Click Here for full House Bill Calendar. Senate (June 5): Senate Bill 144 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) amending Act 537 ton include alternative on-lot sewage systems in sewage plans (sponsor summary); Senate Bill 242 (Baker-R-Luzerne) adds natural gas gathering lines to the PA One Call utility construction safety program so they can be identified and mapped for emergency services (sponsor summary); Senate Bill 269 (Baker-R- Luzerne) changing the process for updating the PA Construction Code (sponsor summary); Senate Bill 431 (Scavello-R-Monroe) increasing fines for littering (sponsor summary); Senate Bill 649 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne). It would fill a significant funding gap in DEP’s Underground Storage Tank Program (sponsor summary). <> Click Here for full Senate Bill Calendar. Committee Meeting Agendas This Week House: the House Democratic Policy Committee hearing on natural gas production severance tax in Montgomery County. <> Click Here for full House Committee Schedule. Senate: <> Click Here for full Senate Committee Schedule. Bills Pending In Key Committees Check the PA Environmental Council Bill Tracker for the status and updates on pending state legislation and regulations that affect environmental and conservation efforts in Pennsylvania. Here are links to key Standing Committees in the House and Senate and the bills pending in each-- House Environmental Resources and Energy Links for all other Standing House Committees Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Community, Economic and Recreational Development Links for all other Standing Senate Committees Bills Introduced The following bills of interest were introduced this week-- Water Use Fee: House Bill 20 (Sturla-D-Lancaster) establishing a water use fee and a Water Use Fund (sponsor summary). (Click Here for more.) Session Schedule [Updated] Here is the latest voting session schedule for the Senate and House-- Senate June 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 House [Updated] June 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, & 30 Governor’s Schedule Gov. Tom Wolf's work calendar will be posted each Friday and his public schedule for the day will be posted each morning. Click Here to view Gov. Wolf’s Weekly Calendar and Public Appearances. |
5/29/2017 |
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