June 20 EQB Fee-Related Items: Radon, Chapter 105, Water/Wastewater Plant Operators

The agenda for the June 20 Environmental Quality Board meeting includes three items related to fees charged by the Department of Environmental Protection--

-- Final Regulation increasing Radiological Health and Radon Program fees by $2.1 million;

-- 3 Year Fee Report For Chapter 105 Dam Safety and Encroachments Program- Projected $5.9 million deficit, not asking for fee increase at this time.  DEP notes: “staffing resources are not sufficient to address all current [Water Obstruction & Encroachments] program responsibilities;”  and

-- 3 Year Fee Report For Water and Wastewater Operators’ Certification Program- Fees are adequate at this time.

Also on the agenda is a  final regulation amending the Class A Streams Designations for streams in Berks, Blair, Bradford, Carbon, Centre, Columbia, Cumberland, Forest, Huntingdon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Potter, Schuylkill, Somerset, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Tioga, Venango, Wayne, Westmoreland and Wyoming counties.

The meeting will be held in Room 105 of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg starting at 9:00.

For more information, visit the Environmental Quality Board webpage or contact Laura Edinger, Environmental Quality Board, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, 717-772-3277, edinger@pa.gov.

[Posted: June 7, 2017]


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