Fish & Boat Commission To Hold Wild Trout Summit Aug. 26 In Bellefonte
The Fish and Boat Commission Monday announced it will host a wild trout summit open to the public at its Centre County Regional Office, 595 East Rolling Ridge Drive in Bellefonte, on August 26 beginning at 9:30 a.m. “This is the first time the agency has hosted a meeting to discuss wild trout,” said Andy Shiels, Director of the PFBC Bureau of Fisheries. “This will bring agency, academic and Trout Unlimited experts together to present and discuss the past, present and future of Pennsylvania’s wild trout resources.” Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. The program will start at 10:15 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m. Speakers will present information on the history of wild trout management in Pennsylvania, the Unassessed Wild Trout Waters Initiative, special regulations for wild trout, and how environmental permit review affects wild trout protection. In addition, there will be presentations on the potential impacts of climate change, the PFBC’s wild trout stream habitat improvement priorities, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Wild Trout Management Plan, and Implications of Genetics on Wild Trout Management. New information on several Penn State University trout radio-tracking studies will also be provided. Finally, there will a panel discussion at the end of the day to bring the presenters together for a question and answer session with the attendees. “This will be an informative event and an opportunity for wild trout enthusiasts and supporters to spend a day learning about a truly unique Commonwealth aquatic resource,” added Shiels. A tentative agenda can be viewed on the PFBC website. The Wild Trout Summit is open to the public, but registration is required. Click Here to register online. For more information on trout in Pennsylvania, visit the Commission’s Trout webpage. NewsClips: Schneck: Wild Trout Summit Announced By Fish & Boat Commission Morelli: PA Spring Bass Fishing Ban Staying Put For Now Schneck: Rare Paddlefish Caught In Allegheny River [Posted: July 17, 2017] |
7/24/2017 |
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