May is Watershed Awareness Month, Celebrate “The Power of Positive Action”

Watershed Awareness Month is coming up in May and it’s a great time to celebrate your accomplishments in restoring and protecting your watershed!

This is also a great opportunity to educate key decision-makers on how important watershed groups are to improving water quality all over the state.

Remember, inviting members of the Senate and House to your events, sending them your newsletters and keeping them updated on your accomplishments will go a long way as a reminder of the good work watershed groups do.

Consider these facts—

· Since 1999 over 400 local watershed groups reclaimed over 5,000 acres of abandoned mines, planted 1,000 miles of stream buffers, created or restored over 3,000 acres of wetlands and much more;

· For every $1 invested by the state, watershed groups match it with $1.25 of their own, more than doubling the state’s investment;

· Over 11,000 volunteers, including the PA Senior Environment Corps, are actively involved in water quality sampling across the state;

· Over 450 watershed association members, local government partners, nonprofit groups, environmental agency staff, businesses and other professionals assembled at the Coldwater Conference and the Schuylkill Watershed Congress in February and over 800 people took part in the Ohio River Watershed Cruise last Fall to share successful watershed protection strategies; and

· A recent study by The Center for Rural Pennsylvania found that watershed groups: empower local residents, develop local leaders, provide examples of successful community organizations, compliment other state and local environmental programs, get results, play an essential role in promoting the environment, and act as environmental advocates.

Much has been accomplished, but lots is left to do. Over 10,762 miles of Pennsylvania’s streams are still so polluted they don’t meet water quality standards.

Here at PA Environment Digest, we would like to put the spotlight on activities for Watershed Awareness Monthby publicizing your events.

If you have tours, education programs, buffer planting parties, cleanups or other activities going on in and around Watershed Awareness Month, send them to:


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