Learn What The Return On Investment Will Be In Protecting, Restoring Dauphin County’s Environment At Sept. 13 Program

The Manada Conservancy is hosting a program on September 13 to unveil a new study outlining the economic return on investment of protecting and restoring the environment in Dauphin County.

The study— Dauphin County’s Return On Investment In The Environment— offers estimates on the value of preserving natural resources instead of mitigating their loss.

How clean air and water benefit our health? How much local businesses depend on these resources, and how much protected land brings recreation to the County? Flood and pollution control, pollination, health, recreation, property values, wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, healthy vegetation—all of these are affected by how we treat our resources. They have a price that we don’t usually include in our bottom line when we destroy them.

The Kittatinny Coalition, led by Audubon PA, The Appalachian Trail Conservancy, and land trusts up and down the mountain ridges—- including Manada Conservancy— and with the help of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources helped complete the study.

John Rogers of the Keystone Conservation Trust was the study’s author.

The program will be held at the Derry Presbyterian Church, 248 East Derry Road in Hershey starting at 7:00 p.m.  This program is free and open to the public. 

Please register by contacting the Manada Conservancy office at 717-566-4122 or send an email to: office@manada.org.

For more information on programs, initiatives and other upcoming events, visit the Manada Conservancy website.

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[Posted: August 25, 2017]


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