CEOs For Sustainability Launch Speakers Series To Educate, Inform Western PA Business Leaders Oct. 25

Recognizing the executive’s critical role in driving transformational sustainability strategies, CEOs For Sustainability, an executive council of CEOs from throughout the Pittsburgh region, are hosting a morning program: “How C-Suites are Responding to Increasing Stakeholder Demand” on October 25 at the Energy Innovation Center, 1435 Bedford Avenue in Pittsburgh from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Seeing a strong link between corporate sustainability performance and financial performance, more than 70 percent of investors say sustainability is central to their investment decisions, per a 2016 survey by MIT Sloan Management Review and The Boston Consulting Group. 

This trend will only grow with rising customer pressures, fueled by demographic shifts and the proliferation of non-financial ratings and data.

The October 25 keynote speaker and BrownFlynn Senior Advisor Mike Krzus will describe global drivers of change in business valuation, including demographic and technological trends, and opportunities in business sustainability for companies and the executives who lead them. 

Krzus focuses on helping clients understand how integrated reporting links to building trust, attracting long-term investors, and creating value for shareholders and society. 

An integrated report, as defined by the International Integrated Reporting Council, is a concise communication about how an organization’s strategy, governance, performance, and prospects, in the context of its external environment, lead to the creation of value in the short, medium, and long term.

“More than ever, consumers prefer to patronize businesses with good environmental, social and governance records and, more than ever, that data is available at their fingertips,” said Krzus.  “CEOs must drive the integration of sustainability into their company’s long-term strategy. In doing this, they put their organization in a better position to deliver superior financial performance in an ethical and responsible way.”

A panel of CEOs for Sustainability participants will discuss “How Leaders are Responding.”  Panelists include:

-- Steve Guy, President and CEO, Oxford Development Company

-- Ciannie Rodriguez, Manager, IKEA Pittsburgh

-- Jack Scalo, President and CEO, Burns & Scalo Roofing

“CEOs for Sustainability participants recognize that prosperous businesses are the foundation of a successful, strong region,” said Ron Gdovic, CEO of WindStax Energy. “To that end, the group is spearheading the CEOs Speaker Series and other efforts to increase the number of businesses that practice, measure, and publicly report their sustainable business performance.”

Jerry MacCleary, president of Covestro LLC, said, “Research has shown that investors are increasingly basing their decisions on sustainability-related data. To address this shifting investment landscape, companies of all types and sizes are well-advised to develop sustainable business strategies that create shareholder value.”

CEOs for Sustainability is co-chaired by Gdovic and MacCleary. 

The group provides a forum for CEOs of the region’s leading companies to share best practices in sustainable business and collaborate in growing the ranks of businesses around the region that pursue sustainability. 

IKEA Pittsburgh and Covestro are sponsors of the Speaker Series. 

Individuals who would directly benefit from attending this event include:

-- Executives in Finance, Procurement, O&M, HR, Marketing, Strategy, Business Development

-- Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Leaders

-- Institutional Investors, Asset Managers, Wealth Advisors

More about CEOs for Sustainability, along with tools, case studies and other resources for sustainable business strategy and practices, can be found by visiting the CEOs For Sustainability website.

For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Sustainable Pittsburgh website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates. Like them on Facebook, Follow them on TwitterClick Here to support their work.

To learn more about green innovation in the Pittsburgh Region, visit the Pittsburgh Green Story website.


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[Posted: Oct. 12, 2017]


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