U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers: F.J. Sayers Dam & Reservoir Study Comment Response Now Available

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tuesday announced a comment response document is now available for the F.J. Sayers Dam and Reservoir Study responding to comments received during an August 30 workshop and associated comment period.

The 1,730-acre Sayers lake is the focal point for water-based recreation in Bald Eagle State Park.  DCNR’s Nature Inn At Bald Eagle overlooks the lake.

The Corps and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission is undertaking a study to evaluate the current operations at F.J. Sayers Dam and Reservoir near Howard, Centre County is to understand if revising the operations plan for the dam will provide improved environmental conditions for in-lake and/or downstream aquatic species and their habitat during low flow or drought conditions.

Technology and science have advanced since time the reservoir was built and this study provides an opportunity to determine if operations can be adjust ices without impacting the project's primary purposes of flood risk management, recreation and water quality.

Visit the Corps’ F.J. Sayers Dam and Reservoir Study webpage for a copy of the comment response document and other background on the project.

[Posted: Oct. 17, 2017]


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