Coldwater Heritage Partnership Announces 2006 Grant Awards

The Coldwater Heritage Partnership announced that over $35,000 in grants have been awarded to local organizations to protect and conserve Pennsylvania’s coldwater stream habitats.

“Pennsylvania Trout is excited to award grants to worthy organizations for the conservation and protection of their local streams,” stated Ken Undercoffer, President of the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited.

Grants have been made to the following organizations:

· $5,000 to the Wildlands Conservancy to implement a qualitative, visual-based stream habitat assessment and develop a series of site-specific recommendations designed to protect and enhance the Little Lehigh Creek in Berks and Lehigh counties;

· $1,696 to the Sandy Lick Conservation Initiative to assess the current conditions of Schoolhouse Run, Jefferson County, and to gather data for possible re-designation to an Exceptional Value stream;

· $5,000 to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy to study the aquatic health and natural reproduction of brook trout in Laurel Run, Somerset County, and to make recommendations towards its future protection;

· $5,000 to the Westsylvania Heritage Corporation to inventory and assess the Clearshade, Cub and Piney Run in Somerset County, and to identify potential threats, educate volunteers, and determine the economic impacts of the coldwater fishery;

· $4,598 to the Pennsylvania State University Center for Watershed Stewardship on behalf of the Beech Creek Watershed Association to assess and evaluate present status and trends in wild trout populations and monitor acidic spring runoff of 13 Beech Creek sub watersheds. They will also develop plans and strategies to protect these watersheds in Centre and Clinton counties;

· $4,900 to American Littoral (Delaware Riverkeeper Network) to do a targeted study of the Mil Creek Watershed in Berks County and to provide the data necessary to pursue a stream upgrade for long-term protection. This project will also identify potential restoration projects to improve habitat and water quality;

· $5,000 to the Venango County Conservation District on behalf of the South Sandy Creek Watershed Association to collect and analyze data and write a watershed plan including prioritization of projects for the Williams Run watershed, a sub watershed of South Sandy Creek in Venango and Mercer counties; and

· $4,127 to Youngsville Borough on behalf of the Brokenstraw Watershed Association to gather public input, conduct an assessment, and develop a coldwater conservation plan for Spring Creek in Warren County.

"We were happy to see so much interest in the CHP program from the conservation community. This program is modeled on the efforts of many fine organizations working to restore stream health, but is different in that it provides opportunities for groups to develop proactive strategies for protecting some of our best coldwater resources," Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director Dr. Doug Austen said. "Because this type of grassroots conservation work is vital for the future of the state's coldwater streams and wild trout fisheries, organizations will have the opportunity to submit applications again this fall."

“Our world-class coldwater streams, many of them flowing through state forest and park lands, are dependent on this partnership and its much-needed funding,” said DCNR Secretary Michael DiBerardinis. “Not only does this effort have a pronounced conservation value, it is helping to protect our outdoor legacy for the enjoyment of future generations.”

Besides offering grants, the Coldwater Heritage Partnership works to provide technical and educational assistance to organizations interested in protecting coldwater ecosystems. Over the past four years, the Coldwater Heritage Partnership has awarded over $155,000 to protect our coldwater streams.

The Coldwater Heritage Partnership is a cooperative partnership among Pennsylvania Trout Unlimited, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Fish and Boat Commission, and the Western Pennsylvania Watershed Program.

For additional information, visit the Coldwater Heritage Partnership or contact Deborah Nardone at 814-359-5233 or send email to: .


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