Scrapbook Photo 12/02/24 - 90 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
April Issue of PCEE Connections Newsletter Now Available

The EE Connections newsletter published by the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education is now available online.

This month’s issue features these items:

PCEE News: PCEE Attended the PAEE Conference; PCEE Events Calendar.

General News: PA's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Leads the Nation: Montgomery County Conservation District Receives Grant; Homeowner's Guide to Storm-water Management Now Available: Barn Owl Conservation Initiative Extends to Southwest PA: Alien Invaders Workshop; 2006 Watershed Snapshot; 2006 Ohio River Basin River Sweep: Volunteers Wanted; Water: An Endangered Resource Documentary to Air on Pittsburgh's WQED: Pennsylvania Helps Lead Nation with 73 Energy Star Buildings: Yellow Breeches Creek Water Trail Public Meeting: Volunteers Sought to Help with Darby Creek Cleanup: Mesa Environmental Seeks Farmers for Alternative Energy Audits: Recycling Drop-off Locations website.

K-12 News: NASA Educator Conducts GLOBE Land Cover Workshop; 2006 Pennsylvania Envirothon Teacher Resource Packet: River of Words: Teacher Workshop;

EARTH WATCH seeks Pittsburgh Public School teachers and other participants; Kids and Teachers: 'Join Our Pest Patrol'; Environmental Education Resource Guides on CD; GEOEC Lesson Plans.

Higher Education: Organic Gardening 101 Workshop; Footprints: An Ecological Art Exhibition; SRU Receives $27,000 Grant for Solar and Wind Energy System.

Professional Development: Celebrating the Headwaters Program; Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference; Black Bass Workshop; West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium; Aldo Leopold Education Project; Host a Local Environmental Education and Diversity Workshop.

Grants/Awards: Northeast Environmental Partners Awards; 2006 International Paper Environmental Education Award; Fishing and Aquatic Education Grant Program; Applications Due for Game, Fish and Boat Commissions' Landowner Habitat Projects; Erie Access Improvement Grant Applications; 2006 Waste Watcher Awards; Environmental Scholarship; Braitmayer Foundation K-12 Education Grants.

To receive your own copy of EE Connections by email, fill on the online request form or send email to: Visit the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education website for more on the resources available through the Center.


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