See & Hear - A Falcon First -- Five Eggs! In the Harrisburg Nest

The female Peregrine falcon nesting on the ledge of the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg has laid five eggs this spring -- a first for this particular female.

"This is good news because egg production is determined mainly by nutritional value," DEP Director of Environmental Education Jack Farster said. "This means that the prey base is good and both of these birds are hunting successfully."

Currently, the female falcon is brooding the clutch of eggs while the male hunts and brings her food. The eggs should begin to hatch in early May, typically around Mothers Day and take their first flights or fledge around Father's Day.

To see all of the action live, visit DEP's Falcon webpage.

You can also check on the Peregrine falcons nesting on the Gulf Tower and the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh.


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