Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

February 23-- PEC Laurel Highlands Conservation Landscape Mini-Grants

February 26-- POWR Pennsylvania Sojourn Grants

February 26--  NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants

February 27-- West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund Clean Energy Projects RFP

February 27-- Governor’s Office Redevelopment Assistance Capital Grants

February 28-- Philadelphia Green City, Clean Waters Student Art Contest

February 28-- Schuylkill Action Network Student Street Art Contest

March 1-- National Recreation & Park Assn/Disney Meet Me At The Park Grants

March 1-- PA Historical & Museum Commission Keystone Historic Preservation Grants

March 2-- NRCS-PA Farm Conservation Stewardship Program Assistance

March 7-- PA Lake Management Society Photo Contest

March 9-- PennFuture Celebrating Women In Conservation Awards

March 9-- NOAA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education Grants

March 15-- Northeast PA Audubon Society Hog Island Family Camp, Maine Scholarship

March 15-- EPA Environmental Education Grants

March 16-- TreeVitalize Pittsburgh Free Trees For Fall Planting

March 22-- CFA Solar Energy Program Grants/Loans

March 23-- PA American Water Stream Of Learning College Scholarships

March 30-- EXTENDED. President’s Environmental Youth Award

March 30-- Game Commission Seedlings For Schools, Pre-K To 12

March 30-- PA Environmental Professionals Karl Mason, Walter Lyon Awards

March 30-- Delaware Highlands Conservancy College Scholarships

March 31-- DEP Municipal, Hazardous Waste Municipal Inspector Grants

April 1-- DEP Farm Conservation Plan Grant Chesapeake Bay Watershed

April 6-- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

April 7-- DEP Local Recycling Implementation Grants

April 11-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants

April 13-- PA American Water Protect Our Watersheds Student Art Contest

April 15-- DCNR Environmental Careers Camp

April 30-- Northeast PA Audubon Society College Scholarship

May 18-- CFA Solar Energy Program Grants/Loans

May 23-- SBA Flood Assistance Clearfield, Washington, 8 Other Counties

June 30-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates (first come, first serve)

July 20-- CFA Solar Energy Program Grants/Loans

December 31-- DEP County Act 101 Waste Planning, HHW, Education Grants

-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.

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