Proposed Policy On Third-Party Electric Vehicle Charging Advanced By PUC

The Public Utility Commission Thursday advanced a proposed policy on third-party electric vehicle (EV) charging stations that seeks to provide greater clarity and consistency throughout the state.

“Elimination of any regulatory uncertainty is an important first step in supporting the build-out of electric vehicle infrastructure,” Chairman Brown stated in a motion at the PUC meeting.  “The existing panoply of different tariffs indeed results in a lack of clarity and consistency throughout the state regarding resale/redistribution of electricity for EV charging, and I believe it is prudent to make tariff provisions of this nature ubiquitous among Electric Distribution Companies.”

The Commission voted 5-0 to publish a draft Policy Statement which clarifies that third-party electric vehicle charging is not considered resale/redistribution under Section 1313 of the Public Utility Code and further directs EDCs to add EV charging tariff provisions consistent with the policy.

Upon publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin, there will be a 45-day comment period for interested parties to share their thoughts with the Commission.

On June 15, 2017, the Commission issued a Secretarial Letter launching a third-party EV charging inquiry, underscoring the differing rules and provisions of the resale of utility service by third-party EV charging stations, all of which may be subject to differing interpretations.

In her comments, Chairman Brown emphasized the distinction between electricity for use as a transportation fuel and electricity as an essential public utility service, noting that the Commission has already approved one tariff provision – for Duquesne Light Company - which helps to reduce regulatory uncertainty in that service territory.

Documents related to the issue can be found at: Docket No.: M-2017-2604382.

(Photo: Electric vehicle charging station behind Weis Markets, Union Deposit Road in Harrisburg.)


PUC Moves To Demystify Electric Vehicle Charging Rules

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[Posted: March 15, 2018]


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