Scrapbook Photo 02/17/25 - 139 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Penn State Extension Healthy Trees, Healthy People Program May 23-24 In Pittsburgh

Penn State Extension will hold its biennial Urban and Community Forestry Healthy Trees, Healthy People Program on May 23-24 at the Frick Environmental Center, 2005 Beechwood Boulevard in Pittsburgh.

Community health and livability is codependent on the health and care of its forest canopy. Research provides a wealth of information on the social, health, and ecological benefits that trees provide.

Healthy Trees, Healthy People is a two-day program featuring presentations on the link between human health and community forest health, as well as information essential to the care of community trees.

It is a great opportunity to share ideas with foresters, arborists, shade tree commissioners, and others.

The first day will take us outside to explore examples of the role of community forests in contributing to healthy communities.

During this afternoon field trip, we will see an urban tree nursery’s efforts to develop healthy and genetically diverse trees, the impacts of oak wilt on tree canopy in a city park, and how active neighborhood volunteers organized to care for their street trees.

The field trip will wrap up with a visit to a furniture workshop to see how reclaimed urban wood is being transformed into fine furniture.

The second day will feature a variety of presentations on tree health, its impacts on communities, and ways to plan and manage the community forest to ensure success.

This program is offered in partnership with the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and sponsors PA Urban and Community Forestry Council, Davey, J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co. and ARBORjet.

Thanks to the generous support of this event sponsors, there are a limited number of scholarships available. Each scholarship will cover the full registration cost for program. Priority consideration for scholarships will be given to municipal shade tree commission members, as well as those traveling from greater distances.

Those interested in being considered for a registration scholarship should contact Brian Wolyniak by sending email to:  or Ellen Roane by email to:  as soon as possible to complete a short application form.

Click Here for all the details and to register.

For more information on community tree programs, visit the Penn State Extension’s Urban Forestry and DCNR’s Community Tree Management webpages.


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[Posted: March 16, 2018]


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