Brodhead Watershed Assn May 5 Hike In Search Of Imperiled Golden-Winged Warbler In Monroe County

The Brodhead Watershed Association will host a "Walk and Talk" hike on May 5 in search of the golden-winged warbler as part of the Get Outdoors Poconos hiking series.

On private land in the northern part of Monroe County stands a messy tangle of shrubs in open woodland. To the golden-winged warblers returning from Latin America in May and looking for a place to nest, this mess means home.

The imperiled golden-winged warbler, a tiny bird that looks a bit like a chickadee dressed for a party.

After a discussion at Barrett Paradise Friendly Library with golden-winged warbler expert Dr. Jeff Larkin, a guided hike will explore private property and show how landowners can help protect the warbler, which is at risk because of lack of habitat.

Hikers will see how the property owners re-established missing habitat – a patchwork of scrubby, low vegetation for nesting and raising young, combined with mature forest and dense thickets for food and cover.

The 2.4-mile trail is often steep, but wide and grassy. Along the way, hikers might see evidence of other wild residents, including coyotes and red-tailed hawks. The trail offers another treat: an extensive, exhilarating view in all directions.

Hikers hold meet at the Barrett Paradise Friendly Library, 6500 Route 191, Cresco at 9:00 a.m.

The hike is free, but registration is required. Call 570-839-1120 or 570-629-2727 or send email to: to register.

Click Here for all the details on the hike.

For information about this and other hikes, visit the Get Outdoors Poconos webpage. The hike series is administered by Brodhead Watershed Association and supported by a grant from the William Penn Foundation.

Learn more about programs, initiatives and other upcoming events, visit the Brodhead Watershed Association website.

[Posted: April 19, 2018]


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