This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
May 31-- SustainPHL 2018 Sustainability Awards
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Watershed Restoration Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement, Treatment Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Orphaned Or Abandoned Well Plugging Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Baseline Water Quality Data Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Sewage Facilities Program Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Flood Mitigation Grants
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Greenways, Trails & Recreation Grants
June 1-- DCNR Youth Ambassador Program At State Parks, Forests
June 1-- REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credits
June 1-- South Mountain Partnership Land Conservation, Recreation Mini-Grants
June 3-- Goddard Student Leadership Legacy Institute Camp Program
June 8-- Keep PA Beautiful Great American Cleanup Of PA Video Contest
June 8-- Keep America Beautiful National Youth Advisory Council
June 8-- PA Horticultural Society Gardening & Greening Contest
June 15-- Southern Alleghenies Regional Greenways, Recreation Mini-Grants
June 21-- DEP Mariner East II Pipeline Water Quality Project Grants
June 29-- Anthracite Power Producers’ Mine Reclamation Grants
June 30-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates (first come, first serve)
June 30-- FirstEnergy Utilities All-Electric Vehicle Rebate From Nissan
July 6-- DEP Clean Diesel Grants (VW Settlement)
July 13-- DEP Growing Greener Plus Watershed Grants
July 13-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants
July 20-- CFA Alternative & Clean Energy Funding
July 20-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding
July 20-- CFA Solar Energy Funding
July 20-- CFA High Performance Building Funding
August 15-- NEW. PA Leopold Farm Conservation Award $10,000
August 31-- OSMRE Not-For-Profit Acid Mine Drainage Watershed Grants
September 5-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Photo Contest
September 15-- CFA Alternative & Clean Energy Funding
September 15-- CFA Renewable Energy-Geothermal & Wind Funding
September 15-- CFA Solar Energy Funding
September 15-- CFA High Performance Building Funding
September 28-- DEP Calendar 2017 Recycling Performance Grants
October 31-- PA Resources Council Gene Capaldi Lens On Litter Photo Contest
December 14-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants
December 31-- DEP County Act 101 Waste Planning, HHW, Education Grants
-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.
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