Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Applications Now Being Accepted By Fish & Boat Commission For Clean Vessel Act Grants

The Fish and Boat Commission Monday announced it is accepting applications from interested parties seeking funding under the Clean Vessel Act Program. Applications are due September 30.

This is a federal grant program administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which funds the construction, renovation, operation and maintenance of pump-out stations and waste reception facilities for recreational boats.

The Commission is the only entity within Pennsylvania eligible to apply to the USFWS for funding under the CVA program and is looking for interested partners to utilize these funds. 

CVA funds are available to both public and private entities that meet program requirements.  Reimbursements occur only after final inspection and approval of the project by PFBC staff.

The Grant will reimburse recipients for up to 75 percent of the installation cost of pumpout and dump stations, including the cost of new equipment, or the renovation or upgrading of existing equipment, as well as necessary pumps, piping, fitting, lift stations, on-site holding tanks, pier or dock modifications, signs, permits and other miscellaneous equipment needed for a complete and efficient station. 

Grant recipients must provide a minimum 25 percent grant match and guarantee to keep the facility operated, maintained and accessible to the public for the full useful life of the station.

For more information, visit the Commission's Clean Vessel Act Grant Program webpage or call the CVA coordinator at 717-346-8196.

Related Story:

Fish & Boat Commission Accepting Applications For Boating Infrastructure Grants

[Posted: June 18, 2018]


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