PA Lake Management Society Offers Mini-Grants To Reduce Nutrient Loading, Address Invasive Species

The PA Lake Management Society, with funding from the Department of Environmental Protection, is now accepting applications for mini-grants to address lake-related issues of critically eroded shorelines, excess nutrient loading, and/or aquatic invasive species that degrade the quality of lakes in the Commonwealth.

The deadline for applications is August 17.

Eligible applicants include county and state agencies, municipalities, nonprofits, and landowners

To be considered for funding, the application must demonstrate that the project can be fully implemented and all paperwork submitted for reimbursement by November 1, 2019.

Special consideration will be given to lakes located in a watershed with an approved TMDL and/or are listed on the Commonwealth’s 303(d) list of impaired waters.

Projects that maximize funding toward implementation costs (i.e., not administrative costs) will receive high priority in award decisions.

A limited number of mini-grants will be awarded on a competitive basis of up to $24,000.

For for the details, visit the PA Lake Management Society’s Mini-Grant Project Grants webpage.  Questions should be directed to the Society contact us webpage.

The PA Lake Management Society mission is to promote the further understanding of ponds, lakes, reservoirs and impoundments and their watersheds; the ecosystem of which they are a part; and their protection, restoration and management.

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[Posted: June 25, 2018]


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