Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Bills On Governor's Desk

The following bills were given final approval by the Senate and House and are now on the Governor's desk for action--

Limiting Eminent Domain: House Bill 2468 limiting the use of eminent domain by government agencies on land with conservation easements for parks and open space purposes except for emergency condemnation and condemnation by public utilities (House Fiscal Note).  Click Here for more. Was signed into law by Gov. Wolf as Act 45.

Alternative Ratemaking: House Bill 1782 (Delozier-R-Cumberland) authorizing alternative ratemaking such as decoupling, performance-based, multiyear and other mechanisms for utilities regulated by the PUC, including electric, natural gas, water and wastewater services (Senate Fiscal Note and summary).  Click Here for more. Signed into law as Act 58.

Littering/Dumping: Senate Bill 431 (Scavello-R-Monroe) authorizes the designation of local litter enforcement corridors where fines are doubled for certain offences or even tripled for commercial littering or illegal dumping and designates all scenic highways as litter enforcement corridors (House Fiscal Note and summary).  Click Here for more. Signed into law as Act 62.

Disposal Of Hospice Medication: Senate Bill 978 (Baker-R-Luzerne) disposal of unused medicines in hospice or for home health care patients (House Fiscal Note and summary).  Signed into law as Act 69.


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