Feature - Part I – Smart Growth Opportunities In PA
Small Steps Toward Smart Growth in Southwestern PA, by Jonathan R. Farrell Recently, the Yet while In the late 1960s and 1970s, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission (now the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission) issued a series of reports highlighting the importance of carefully planned suburban “commuter sheds” and open space for conservation. Yet after a quarter century of warnings about the problems of low-density development, most local governments still lack the resources and discipline that are needed to govern haywire development and encourage smart growth. Decades of data collection and analysis have clearly charted the trend: sprawling, low-density suburban development voraciously filling the space between urban cores and the rural countryside; residential developments further from traditional job centers; highways further out from beltways; center-less cities, and an increasingly protracted utility and transportation infrastructure. As low-density development has become the norm around most metropolitan areas in the Many studies analyzing development trends conducted during recent years have called for greater coordination between municipal planning agencies and more planning on a regional scale. Land use planning and development practices, in Last year, the The tool queries various mapped data layers of human and natural infrastructure—roads, soils, biodiversity areas, topography, etc.—and provides an inventory of regional resources as well as a framework to evaluate and resolve conflicts between different land uses. Natural resource managers, developers, planners, and others have begun using the NI tool for planning, impact assessment, and site selection of projects such as recreational facilities, landfills, and for the identification of water supply protection zones and areas with solar and wind energy-production potential. The NI Project is a powerful tool and moves decision-makers a step closer to being able to address lingering concerns over sprawl in southwestern Years of extensive documentation and analysis have tracked the increases in the scale and scope of sprawling development trends throughout much of the country. The USDA NRCS National Resource Inventory reported on acreage converted to development every five years, especially monitoring the conversion of farmland. Cost of community studies like those by the American Farmland Trust and, in Other GIS-based processes like road density analysis provided further measures of urbanization, while those more resourceful local and regional agencies in metropolitan areas produced detailed land use and urbanized areas map. Local and national census data outlined sociodemographic trends while economic and housing census tracked employment and building construction behind these population trends. The 2003 Brookings Institute report Back to Prosperity: A Competitive Agenda for Renewing Pennsylvania summarized some of the most alarming trend data and reviewed recent development trends in southwestern According to the report, in the last few decades, southwestern From 1982 to 1997, the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, In those same fifteen years, more than 200,000 acres of land were converted to development—more than a 40 percent increase in developed land—while the number of households in the Pittsburgh MSA grew by only 23,740, an increase of 2.5 percent. Considering that 201,800 acres of land were converted to urban use during this time, this means that 8.5 acres of land were developed for every added household by population in the region. This is nearly seven times the national average of about 1.3 acres. In recent decades, the Rural areas, or second-class townships (in Pennsylvania, Second-class townships are municipalities with population density less than 300 people per square mile or that exceed this density but have not approved a public referendum changing their classification to a first-class township) in the Pittsburgh region grew by 6.5 percent (43,000) during the 1990s. In contrast, the Today, the major population declines in the region as a whole are beginning to tail off and urban renewal projects spot the The population of Looking at the construction of housing units, In concert with population decentralization, sprawling development can cause all sorts of problems for residents, communities, governments, and the environment: urban blight, excessive traffic, lack of community cohesion, wildlife habitat loss and fragmentation, watershed degradation, farmland loss. Most appreciably, it can be expensive. Poorly planned development can inflate infrastructure costs to the community for roads, schools, and utilities disproportionately to the development’s contributions through tax revenue. Cost of Community Services (COCS) studies determine the average fiscal contributions of different land uses (working and open lands, residential, commercial, industrial land uses) as compared to the cost of providing services such as sewage, roadway maintenance, and schooling to these lands. COCS studies for the A study funded by 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania in 2000 examined increasing transportation costs in the Between 1970 and 1990, vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per person for routine travel increased by over 90 percent in the There are, of course, many and complex reasons for sprawling development in southwestern In many ways, the Misdirected state investments. Infrastructure and economic development investments—for transportation and other capital projects—are unevenly channeled to outlying areas rather than being reinvested in older communities. The three main state economic investment agencies, the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA), Opportunity Grant Program (OGP), and Infrastructure Development Program (IDP), allocated about $68 per capita to projects in established municipalities in the Simple overproduction. The ratio of housing units constructed far outpaced the actual increase in household units by population. According to the 2003 Brookings report, contrary to sense, 4.25 new housing units were built for every one net new household by population in the 1990s—and this amidst a loss in population and no projection of significant future growth! As mentioned, most of these new housing units were built in outlying second-class townships. Under the pressure of ever-present land speculation, cheap building costs for tract development, and the new interest in real estate by the investor class, the residential building market in the Governmental fragmentation. As these points demonstrate, like many places in the country, land use planning and regulation in southwestern However, as efforts continue, the techniques to promote smart growth and the tools prevent poor growth are becoming more familiar and attractive to decision-makers who are looking forward to a metropolitan community that is truly smart in its growth. Jonathan R. Farrell is a student in the The second and final part of this series will be published next week. For more information, see these links: Brookings Institute, Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors USDA NRCS National Resource Inventory (NRI) Pennsylvania Environmental Council – Ohio Headwaters Initiatives |
5/12/2006 |
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