DEP Committee Discusses Regulating VOCs, Ammonia In Allegheny, Delaware, Lebanon Counties Aug. 2

The DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee is scheduled to meet on August 2 to discuss changes to Chapters 121 and 127 that would regulate volatile organic compounds and ammonia as precursors to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Allegheny, Delaware and Lebanon counties.

Those three counties have been designated as nonattainment areas for PM2.5, although DEP is preparing maintenance plans and attainment redesignation requests to be submitted to EPA for Delaware and Lebanon counties and Allegheny County Health Department is doing the same for Allegheny County.

The meeting is in Room 105 of the Rachel Carson Building starting at 9:15.  Click Here to register to attend the meeting by webinar.  A call-in option is also being provided: Call in Number 1-650-479-3208, Access Code/Event Number (if necessary) 643 126 832, Event Password (if necessary) GaQnvE@7.

For more information and available handouts, visit DEP’s Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee webpage.  Questions should be directed to Kirit Dalal, 717-772-3436, or send email to:


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[Posted: July 27, 2018]


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