Scrapbook Photo 09/30/24 - 130 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Lebanon County Grazing Network Hosts Soil Pit/Soil Health Field Day Oct. 12

The Lebanon County Grazing Network invites anyone interested in learning about the “underground herd” of animals living under your field to join us for a soil pit field day at Sandy Springs Farm, 130 Sinclair Road in Newmanstown on October 12 from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

What's a soil pit field day, you ask? A soil pit is a walk-in hole dug into a field or pasture that has living cover. Attendees will have the opportunity to see root growth, earthworm holes, soil structure and other soil health qualities.

The field day will include other features, such as a Rainfall Simulator Demonstration, hands-on infiltration tests and other activities designed to get the discussion going about how to improve water infiltration, root growth and microbiology working for the farmer, just as the livestock do.

Soil health affects plant production and vegetative composition as well as benefits erosion and infiltration, so that every bit of sunlight and each drop of water coming onto the field is captured for the plants.

This is a unique opportunity for working farmers to see and touch the soil profile in an interactive setting then discuss how soil properties such as structure, texture, aggregate stability, and temperature can improve their bottom line.

The day’s agenda will feature Penn State Extension forage specialists and NRCS soil health specialists leading the activities and demonstrations, along with a producer panel after lunch talking about their own experiences with forage quality as it relates to soil health on their farms.

Many thanks to Sandy Springs Farm, operated by Andy Kline as an organic grass-fed dairy farm, for hosting this event.

The field day is sponsored in part by the PA Grazing Lands Coalition and the National Wildlife Federation's Cover Crop Champions Program.

Registration cost is $15.00 for the day’s event including refreshments, payable by check mailed with the web form to the Capital RC&D, 401 East Louther St., Ste. 307 Carlisle, PA 17013 or payable in person the day of the event.

For more information, please contact Matt Bomgardner at 717-222-0059. Please join us to talk with others about how we all benefit from nature’s gift of soil!

Check out the Lebanon County Grazing Network's Facebook page to stay up to date on this and other events in your area!


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[Posted: Sept. 27, 2018]


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