Call For Papers For Joint 2019 PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation/ National Abandoned Mine Lands Program Conference
The PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference is partnering with the National Association of Abandoned Mine Lands Programs Conference to issue a call for papers to be presented at the combined 2019 conference. The deadline for proposals is May 10. The joint conferences with the theme-- Restore, Transform, Revitalize-- will be held September 8-11 at the Wyndham Grand in Pittsburgh. Suggested topics include: AMD Characterization and Treatment, AML or AMD Case Studies, AML Pilot Program Case Studies, Beneficial Use of Waste Materials, Coal Combustion Byproducts, Coal Mining Heritage/Historic Preservation, Coal Refuse Reprocessing/Capping, Economic Development and Reclamation, AML Emergency Projects, Endangered Species, Geophysical Methods or Investigations, Grayfields and/or Brownfields, Innovative/Unique Reclamation Techniques, Integration of GPS/GIS/Drone Techniques, Mine Fire Restoration Techniques, Mine SubsidenceNEPA and/or Public Participation, Non-Coal/Hard Rock Issues, Partnerships, Permitting Issues, Program Policy Issues/Reauthorization, Property Acquisition/Access Issues, Regulatory Issues, Remining and Reclamation, Resource, Recovery and Reuse of AMD Impaired Water, Revegetation/Reforestation Techniques, Slopes/Shafts Reclamation Techniques, Stream Restoration Techniques, Water Supply Replacements and Wetlands Wildlife Habitat Enhancements. In an effort to facilitate scheduling, anyone interested in presenting should consider sending notification with anticipated topic early. Presentations are anticipated to be 20 minutes with a five‑minute Q and A to follow. Abstract proposals should be submitted in PDF format. Abstracts should be 300 words or less, Times New Roman – 12 font, and should include the presentation title, along with the presenter’s name, title, organization or company, business address, phone number and email address. In addition, please identify if you are presenting as part of the NAAMLP/AMR/NASLR technical session. Video presentations are welcome as well. Please keep video presentations to 20 minutes. All abstracts should be emailed to: Selected presenters will be notified by June 28, 2019, and final presentation material will be due on or before August 16, 2019. Details pertaining to the final presentation format, speaker guidelines and other presentation information will be provided to authors and/or presenters at the time of abstract acceptance. For more information or for questions, please contact Tom Malesky, Environmental Program Manager, by sending email to: or by telephone at 814-472-1818. For more information on the conference, visit the National Association of Abandoned Mine Lands Programs Conference webpage. Related Stories: DEP Invitation To Submit Act 181 Mine Reclamation Proposals For A Project In Clearfield County September Catalyst Newsletter Now Available From Slippery Rock Watershed Coalition [Posted: Sept. 24, 2018] |
10/1/2018 |
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