This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
October 1-- DEP Small Business Advantage Grants-Water Quality Projects (First-come)
October 15-- DEP Coastal Zone Grants
October 15-- NRCS-PA Emergency Watershed Protection Assistance Grants
October 19-- NRCS-PA Farm, Forest Conservation Assistance (EQIP, AMA)
October 31-- PA Resources Council Gene Capaldi Lens On Litter Photo Contest
October 31-- Axalta, Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro Teachers Program
October 31-- Dept. of Agriculture Spotted Lanternfly Student Calendar Contest
November 9-- Chesapeake Bay Land And Water Initiative Grants
November 15-- NEW. Delaware River Basin Commission Fall Photo Contest
November 16-- PA Housing Finance Agency RFP For Housing Proposals
November 20-- PA Visitors Bureau Scenic Beauty Photo Contest In 5 Counties
December 1-- USDA Rural Community Water Infrastructure Funding (Rolling Deadline)
December 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
December 14-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates (First-Come)
December 14-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Grants
December 15-- Coldwater Heritage Partnership Grants
December 21-- ORSANCO Ohio River Sweep Student Poster Contest
December 31-- DEP County Act 101 Waste Planning, HHW, Education Grants
January 25-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
March 31-- NEW. DEP Level 2 Electric Charging Station Rebates (First-Come)
July 15-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
December 16-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
March 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
June 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
September 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
December 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.