Recycling Program Grant Applications Due October 20

The Department of Environmental Protection announced this week applications for grants to set up Section 902 recycling and composting programs were due October 20.

DEP has set aside half of the funding available for this next round of grants to support the establishment of “Pay-As-You-Throw” programs that give residents economic incentives to recycle more or dispose of less waste and other innovative recycling programs designed to increase household and business participation.

DEP also laid out these other priorities for funding—

  1. Economic evaluations of municipal recycling programs resulting in recommendations to improve sustainability – limit $10,000 per municipality;
  2. Multi-municipal collection, processing and materials marketing programs; and
  3. Equipment and education necessary to collect materials not mandated by Act 101.

Each applicant is also required to submit a plan that includes definitive actions and strategies for optimizing program self-sufficiency. (Information on this requirement can be found in the DEP report “Building Financially Sustainable Recycling Programs.”)

Potential grant applicants must contact one of DEP’s Regional Recycling Coordinators before making application.

For more information, visit DEP’s Recycling Grant webpage.


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