Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Accepting Applications For Act 101 Recycling Implementation Grants

The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for recycling implementation grants under Section 902 of Act 101, the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act.  The deadline for applications is March 22.  (formal notice)

Only those projects involving municipalities that have a mandatory trash collection program or projects seeking support for a residential recycling program that have a corresponding commercial recycling program will be considered for funding.

Applicants seeking funds to replace curbside collection containers or collection vehicles, or both, will need to demonstrate that the new equipment will increase collection efficiencies and tonnage of materials.

The following elements will receive priority for funding--

-- Development and implementation of incentive-based pricing and collection programs designed to increase the quantities and types of recyclable materials and reduce the quantity of waste collected.

-- Development and implementation of multi-municipal collection, processing and/or a materials marketing program where capital costs are reduced and/or recycling marketability is enhanced due to intergovernmental cooperation.

-- Development and implementation of collection methods that will provide greater marketability and value to collected recyclable materials.

-- New and innovative recycling educational programs that support the applicants' recycling collection efforts.

In addition, communities whose existing recycling programs contain the following components will receive additional consideration:

-- Publicly provided or municipally contracted waste and recycling services.

-- The collection of six or more of the following materials: newsprint, office paper, corrugated paper, other marketable grades of paper, aluminum cans, steel or bimetallic cans, colored glass containers, clear glass containers and plastics.

-- Incentive-based pricing and collection programs designed to increase the quantities and types of recyclable materials and reduce the quantity of waste collected.

Potential applicants must contact the appropriate Department regional planning and recycling coordinator to schedule a pre-application conference to discuss application requirements and program particulars.

More information on Section 902 recycling grants will be available on DEP’s Recycling Financial Assistance webpage.  Read the full October 27 PA Bulletin notice for more information.


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[Posted: Oct. 26, 2018]


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