Call For Presenters: 2019 PA Groundwater Symposium May 1 In State College

Penn State Extension, Master Well Owner Network and the Department of Environmental Protection have issued a call for presentation proposals for the 2019 Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium, to be held May 1 in State College.  The deadline for proposals is February 1.

Abstracts for presentation can be submitted on a wide variety of groundwater topics including but not limited to: groundwater monitoring, climate impacts on groundwater, data availability and access, groundwater processes, karst groundwater systems, wellhead protection, water well studies, emerging contaminants, aquifer studies, groundwater/surface water interactions, issues related to energy extraction, and education and outreach.

Use the following guidelines when submitting an abstract:

-- All abstracts must be limited to 200 words excluding the Title, Authors, Affiliations

-- Underline the presenting author’s name

-- Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and 1.5 line spacing

-- Abstracts must be written in English

-- All abstracts should be emailed to Bryan Swistock at:

-- References, credits, tables, and figures must not be included in the abstract

-- Be sure to proof and edit your submission carefully.

-- Abstracts will be published in a symposium proceedings which will be provided to all attendees

-- Presenting authors must pay the registration fee and attend the meeting

The Symposium planning committee will review all abstracts and notify authors of acceptance via email in mid-February 2019

The day-long symposium will begin at 8:30 a.m. on May 1 with opening remarks by the Fish and Boat Commission. The morning plenary session will be highlighted by a keynote presentation on Emerging Groundwater Issues.

Additional morning and afternoon plenary and concurrent session speakers will address numerous important groundwater issues in Pennsylvania.

Registrants can also receive continuing education credits for attending all sessions. An optional half-day field trip will be offered on April 30 for an additional fee.

The complete Symposium agenda and registration will be available in mid to late February 2019 on the Symposium webpage.

The Symposium will be moving to a new location in 2019 at the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, but it will continue to provide a forum for researchers, students, professionals and educators working in the groundwater field to exchange information and promote protection of groundwater resources throughout the state.

For additional information or questions about the Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium, see the Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium website or contact Bryan Swistock at 814-863-0194 or send email to:

We hope you can join us for this event showcasing Pennsylvania's valuable groundwater resources!

Related Story:

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[Posted: Dec. 21, 2018]


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