Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
DEP Accepting Applications For Recycling Implementation Grants Thru March 22

The Department of Environmental Protection is accepting applications for Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grants. The deadline for applications is March 22.

DEP will give priority to the following applications--

-- Incentive-based pricing and collection programs designed to increase the quantity and types of recyclable materials and reduce the amount of waste collected;

-- Multi-Municipal collection, processing, and/or materials marketing programs that reduce capital costs or enhance recycling marketability; and

-- Collection methods that provide greater marketability and value to collected recyclables.

Existing municipal recycling programs that include the following will also receive additional consideration--

-- Publicly provided or municipally contracted waste and recycling services;

-- Collection of at least 6 of the following materials: newsprint, office paper, corrugated paper and other marketable grades of paper, aluminum, steel or bimetal cans, colored or clear glass containers and plastics; and

-- Incentive-based pricing and collection programs designed to increase the quantity and types of recyclables collected and reduce the amount of waste.

To be eligible, projects must involve municipalities that have a mandatory trash collection program or seek support for residential recycling in communities that already operate a commercial recycling program.

Applicants must also schedule a pre-application conference with their regional DEP recycling coordinator to discuss requirements and program details.

For more information, visit DEP’s Recycling Grants webpage.  Questions should be directed to Mark Vottero at 717-772-5719 or send email to:


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(Reprinted from the PA Township News.)

[Posted: Feb. 1, 2019]


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