WPCAMR Abandoned Mine Post: Growing Greener May Lose From Governor's Proposed Budget

By Andy McAllister, Western PA Coalition For Abandoned Mine Reclamation

While the Wolf Administration proposes no broad-based tax increases, the Governor did propose a natural gas severance tax.  This year, that severance tax is being introduced as legislation separate from the budget process.

Last week, Wolf proposed a $4.5 billion spending plan for infrastructure improvements that would rely on the proposed severance tax.

With regard to Growing Greener, the Governor’s budget proposes to take significant amounts from the Environmental Stewardship (Growing Greener) Fund, the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund and the Recycling Fund to support the administrative costs of DEP, DCNR, and county conservation districts.

Growing Greener has funded a multitude of environmental projects in Pennsylvania, among them the enormously successful Quick Response Program run by WPCAMR.  Quick Response provides Growing Greener funding in a streamlined way to repair projects for Growing Greener-eligible water quality projects. 

Since it’s inception in 2006, WPCAMR’s Quick Response program has distributed over $1.2 million dollars to eligible groups including county conservation districts and watershed associations to repair water quality improvement projects throughout the state. 

Since 2006, the Quick Response program has also leveraged additional cash match and in-kind valued at well over $195,000.

Quick Response is just one example of how Growing Greener funds are working hard to improve and protect our natural environment. 

Growing Greener continues to be vital to the improvement of Pennsylvania’s water resources all over the state and must not lose funding.

Make your voice heard on the importance of funding Growing Greener by contacting your local state legislator.  Click Here to find your local state legislator.

Andy McAllister is the Regional Coordinator for the Western PA Coalition For Abandoned Mine Reclamation and can be contacted by sending email to: andy@wpcamr.org or calling 724-832-3625.

(Photo: Passive mine drainage treatment system.)

(Reprinted from the Abandoned Mine Post newsletter from the Western PA Coalition For Abandoned Mine Reclamation.  To sign up for your own copy, send your email to: andy@wpcamr.org.)


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[Posted: Feb. 8, 2019]


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