Join I Am Sustainable Pittsburgh Challenge Running From Feb. 27 To March 20

participants to be part of the I Am Sustainable Pittsburgh Challenge from February 27 through March 20.

I Am Sustainable Pittsburgh is a bi-annual competition designed to encourage and reward participants for taking sustainable actions that benefit the health and greater good of the Pittsburgh community and beyond.

The Challenge enables individuals to achieve big things, together. Individuals can choose their own path by picking from a large list of actions, which range from signing a petition, to reducing showers to five minutes, to using reusable shopping bags.

Challenges include several categories: Waste, Food, Health, Transportation, Energy, Community, Nature, Water, Simplicity and Create Your Own.

Over the course of the 3 week competition, Sustainable Pittsburgh will host multiple opportunities to win prizes donated by several local businesses and cultural institutions. Participating is easy and fun.

Join us in making a difference!  Participating individuals can be part of teams at campuses, communities, or workplaces, or they can do it on their own.

To register or for more information, visit the I Am Sustainable Pittsburgh webpage.

For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Sustainable Pittsburgh website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates. Like them on Facebook, Follow them on TwitterClick Here to support their work.

To learn more about green innovation in the Pittsburgh Region, visit the Pittsburgh Green Story website.

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[Posted: Feb. 15, 2019]


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