House Environmental Committee Holds Info Meeting March 27 On Debunking Modern Myths Surrounding Climate Change

The House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold an information meeting March 27 to hear a presentation on “factually debunking some of the modern myths surrounding the “climate change” discussion.”

The Committee will hear from Gregory Wrightstone from the Heartland Institute and author of the newly published book Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know.

The book’s contrarian position on climate reveals that, contrary to the “consensus opinion,” the Earth and humanity are flourishing and goes on to challenge the predicted apocalyptic forecasts of pending climate doom.

Wrightstone is a geologist who has been investigating the Earth’s processes for more than 35 years. He received a bachelor's in geology from Waynesburg University and a masters degrees in geology from West Virginia University.

He has written and presented extensively on many aspects of geology including how paleogeography and paleoclimate control geologic processes. His findings have allowed him to speak at many venues around the world including Ireland, England, China and most recently India.

The meeting will be held in Room G-50 Irvis Building starting at 8:30.  Click Here to watch the meeting online.

Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Butler) serves as Majority Chair of the House Environmental Committee and can be contacted by calling 717-783-1707 or sending email to: Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware) serves as Minority Chair and can be contacted by calling 717-787-7647 or sending email to:

(Photo: Gregory Wrightstone.)

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[Posted: March 21, 2019]


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