McCoy-Linn Dam Removal Project Overview Meeting June 27
ClearWater Conservancy and Fish and Boat Commission are hosting an overview meeting for the McCoy-Linn Dam Removal Project at the In partnership with Fish and Boat Commission, Department of Environmental Protection, Removing the dam will restore approximately 4,000 linear feet of stream habitat and riparian corridor and 1.5 acres of associated wetlands within the current impoundment, and develop public access to 1.3 miles of a contiguous and publicly-owned section of Spring Creek. Katie Ombalski of ClearWater Conservancy and Scott Carney of the Fish and Boat Commission will provide an overview of the project. Representatives of DEP will also be available to answer questions. For more information contact Katie Ombalski, Conservation Biologist, ClearWater Conservancy, 814-237-0400 or send email to: . |
6/16/2006 |
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