Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Watershed Art Contest Winners Announced By Pennsylvania American
Grand-prize winner, Kerri Silbaugh (center), poses with (L to R) fifth-grade teacher Carol Elliot, mother, Cathy Silbaugh, and school principal, Mrs. Richtner.

Pennsylvania American Water announced the winners of its 5th Annual Protect Our Watersheds Art Contest for fifth-grade students across the Commonwealth this week.

The grand-prize winner is Kerri Leigh Silbaugh, a fifth-grade student at John F. Kennedy Elementary School in Washington. She will receive a $500 educational savings bond for her winning entry.

In addition, her winning design will be printed on thousands of “Bloomer” cards that Pennsylvania American Water will distribute. “Bloomer” cards are biodegradable, seed-filled cards that can be planted to produce a variety of wildflowers.

Congratulations are also extended to first-place winners Rachel Mary Sowinski from St. Jude School, Mountaintop, in eastern Pennsylvania and Geoffrey Weiss, a student at St. Valentine School in Bethel Park in western Pennsylvania. First-place winners will receive a $500 savings bond.

Second-place winners are Kelsey Williams, Memorial Elementary, Hanover Township, in eastern Pennsylvania, and Samantha Herrington, St. Valentine School, Bethel Park, in western Pennsylvania. Second-place winners will receive a $250 educational savings bond.

“The art contest is a fun and creative way for students to learn about the importance of protecting a most valuable natural resource: water,” said Dan Warnock, president, Pennsylvania American Water. “These students are the future stewards of our land and resources, so it’s critical that we help to increase their understanding of the impact humans have--positively and negatively--on our watersheds and ultimately on our drinking water sources.”

The contest provides an opportunity for students to utilize their creative and artistic talents while learning about the importance of protecting our watersheds for future use. The contest also serves as a springboard for teachers to introduce or elaborate on a water curriculum.

Entries were judged on creative vision, artistic talent, understanding of watershed protection and the ability to communicate that message. All students who entered the contest will receive certificates of achievement for recognizing the importance of protecting Pennsylvania’s watersheds.

Winners were selected from nearly 260 entries received from Pennsylvania American Water service territories, with two finalists recognized in both the eastern and western regions of the state and one state grand-prize winner. The theme for the art contest was Protect Our Watersheds.

In her description of her artwork, Miss Silbaugh wrote, "…all artwork carries a message. Watershed/water resource protection is important to me because all living things need clean water to live and stay healthy. I've tried to carry out this message in my artwork by showing that clean water creates a healthy environment for all living things."

Images of the winning pieces are available online.


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