Bills On the Governor’s Desk

Bills containing the state budget, an increase in in-lieu of tax payments, changes to the storage tanks cleanup insurance program, conservation district funding, oil and gas leases, non-native fish possession and sale and others reached the Governor’s desk this week. Other bills moved this week as well. Here’s the rundown….

State Budget/Tax Changes: The state budget is in House Bill 2499 and the related tax bills implementing budget agreements are in House Bill 859 (Tax Code), Senate Bill 300 (Tax Code), House Bill 1992 (Fiscal Code) and House Bill 185 (Education).

Environmental Capital Budget: House Bill 2317 (Feese-R-Lycoming) establishing the 2005-2006 Capital Budget for flood control, Keystone Recreation, Environmental Stewardship projects was concurred in by the House and now moves to the Governor for his action.

Conservation District Funding: Senate Bill 1224 (Wenger-R-Lancaster) creating the Conservation District Fund was amended on Second Consideration and passed by the Senate, amended and passed by the House and now moves to the Governor for his action.

Storage Tanks: House Bill 1195 (Yudichak-D-Luzerne) that makes changes to the program to help underground tank owners upgrade tanks was amended to add support for tank cleanups involving MTBE and passed the Senate, concurred in by the House and now goes to the Governor for his action.

In-Lieu of Tax Payments: Senate Bill 868 (Scarnati-R-Warren) increasing the in-lieu of tax payments for State Forest and Game Lands from $1.20 to $3.60, funded by gaming revenues, was passed by the House, concurred in by the Senate and went to the Governor for his action.

Oil and Gas Leases: Senate Bill 594 (MJ White-R-Venango) establishing the Dormant Oil and Gas Act to create trusts for prior oil and gas well owners was reported from the House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, referred to and from House Appropriations, passed by the House without change and now goes to the Governor for his action.

Penalties for Non-Native Fish: House Bill 1320 (Reichley-R-Berks) establishing penalties for the sale, transport, possession or release of non-native injurious fish was passed by the House, concurred in by the Senate and now goes to the Governor for his action.


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