Scrapbook Photo 02/24/25 - 104 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
July 7 Energy Savings Workshop Supports Saving Energy Now

Lehigh University's Industrial Assessment Center will present a no-cost "Energy Savings Workshop" for industrial, commercial and institutional businesses on July 7.

The full-day event will address assessment methodology for the identification and quantification of energy savings in process heating, compressed air, steam, and pump/motor systems as well as common and plant-specific recommendations for reducing energy costs.

High energy costs, an increased need for assessment resources, and limited government resources are common issues affecting many businesses today. This workshop will highlight the individual experiences of participating businesses and explore general solutions that may apply to all.

Toward this end company representatives are requested to complete and submit the Facility Background Information form at the time of registration so that plant-specific energy management issues can be addressed. Company-specific data will be kept confidential and only used to identify common areas for energy savings and related group discussion topics.

Opportunities to privately discuss confidential company information may also be arranged during the workshop.

Lehigh and West Virginia University Industrial Assessment Centers provide services to small and mid-sized industries throughout Pennsylvania as part of a nation-wide network of 26 university-based IACs centered at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

The mission of the IAC is to work with industries to improve productivity through increased energy efficiency and reduced waste generation. More information about the Lehigh IAC and their role in DOE's Save Energy Now Initiative is available online.

Visit the "PA Industrial Energy Resources" for more information.


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