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State Conservation Commission Begins Accepting Applications For REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Program Sept. 3, Increased Funding Available

The State Conservation Commission is tentatively scheduled to begin accepting applications for FY 2019 Resource Enhancement and Protection Farm Conservation Tax Credit Program on September 3.

REAP offers tax credits to agricultural producers who install BMPs or make equipment purchases that reduce nutrient and sediment runoff, which improves Pennsylvania’s streams and watersheds.

As a result of changes included in the PA Farm Bill passed in June, there is now a total of $13 million available in this tax credit program, including $3 million specifically targeted to the Pennsylvania portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

The program was also changed to expand eligibility and total tax credits available to farmers and third party sponsors of projects.

The expanded program now includes conservation and manure management plans and the remediation of legacy sediments.

Certain high priority farm conservation practices are now eligible for a tax credit equal to 90 percent of the eligible costs.  The previous limit was 75 percent.

For the first time, eligible costs also include maintenance of best management practices based on rates established by the State Conservation Commission.

Click Here to see the changes made, starting on page 39.  Be sure to check the new application package for the new elements of the program.

For more information, visit the Resource Enhancement and Protection Farm Conservation Tax Credit Program.  Questions should be directed to Joel Semke by calling 717-705-4032 or send email to:

Other Farm Conservation Grants

Farmers can also apply for these grants to install on-farm conservation practices by these deadlines--

-- July 29-- NRCS Farm Conservation Innovation Grant

-- August 9-- DEP EPA Section 319 Watershed Restoration, Planning Grants

-- August 15-- Leopold Farm Conservation Award

-- August 31-- Prequalification-DCNR/PennVEST Multifunction Stream Buffer Grants

-- April 12-- DEP Farm Small Business Advantage Pollution Reduction Grants (or until funds are exhausted)

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[Posted: July 26, 2019]


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