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Southwestern PA Commission Water Resource Center Workshops: Smart Green Corridors-Aug. 27; MS4 Stormwater Refresher-Aug. 28

The Southwestern PA Commission Water Resource Center will host 2 upcoming stormwater workshops in Allegheny and Washington counties.

August 27: Smart Green Corridors

The development of a Smart Green Corridor is invaluable to the ideology of decision-making at the municipal and regional scale.

The process of developing an SGC serves to identify particular "hot spots" or challenge areas and provide a visual representation of where the biggest environmental, financial, and social return on investments are.

An implemented SGC is a linkage system tying together human, built, and natural capital to foster a dynamic closed-loop approach to bolstering the local economy, protecting the environment, and providing positive social impacts through implemented elements that are complementary to each other.

An inherent and potential benefit of an implemented SGC is a reduction in overall MS4 program tasks and activities.

The presenter will be Mike LaSala of LandStudies.

The workshop will be held from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the Peters Township Municipal Building, Community Room, 200 Municipal Drive in McMurray in Washington County.

Click Here to register or for more information.

August 28: MS4 Stormwater Pollution Reduction Refresher

Need a crash course to better understand MS4 permits? The MS4 Refresher Workshop is geared towards new employees, current employees with more MS4 responsibilities, or for individuals looking for more knowledge related to MS4 permit requirements.

The workshop will provide high-level explanations of Stormwater Management Programs, Minimum Control Measures, TMDL Plans and Pollutant Reduction Plans, permit implementation, and how these items are supposed to interact with each other to facilitate a compliant MS4 program.

The presenter will be Mike LaSala of LandStudies.

The workshop will be held from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the North Fayette Municipal Building, Upper Banquet Room, 400 North Branch Road in Oakdale in Allegheny County.

Click Here to register or for more information.

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming education opportunities and more, visit the Southwestern PA Commission Water Resource Center website.


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Antis Twp, Blair County Solicits Bids To Replace Failing, 25-Year Old Stormwater System

[Posted: August 5, 2019]


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