Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs.  NEW means new from last week.

August 31-- Prequalification-DCNR/PennVEST Multifunction Stream Buffer Grants

September 1-- FracTracker Alliance Community Sentinel Awards

September 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

September 2-- American Chestnut Foundation Photo Contest

September  3-- State Conservation Commission Begins Accepting Applications For

                          REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credits

September 4-- PA Parks & Forests Foundation Photo Contest

September 6-- Federal Office Of Surface Mining AMD Treatment Grants

September 6-- Agriculture: Urban Agriculture Infrastructure Grants

September 10-- Northeast Recycling Council Environmental Sustainability Award

September 13-- CFA High Performance Building Funding

September 15-- Coldwater Heritage Partnership Watershed Grants Opens

September 20-- 10,000 Friends Of PA Commonwealth Awards

September 23-- DEP Class 8 Truck/Transit Bus Clean Vehicle Grants

September 30-- DEP Recycling Performance Grants

September 30-- DCNR/PennVEST Buffer Grants-Pre-Qualified Applicants Only

September 30-- DCNR ATV/Snowmobile Trail Grants

September 30-- FirstEnergy Utilities Rebates On Nissan Electric Vehicles

October 1-- Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership Landowner Volunteers

October 15-- DEP Coastal Zone Grants

October 18-- NEW. Restoration Grants: Tulpehocken & Quittapahilla Creek Watersheds

October 30-- DEP Driving PA Forward Ocean-going Vessel Shorepower Grants

December 1-- DEP Farm, Small Business Advantage Grants

December 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

December 13-- DEP Alternative Fuels Incentive Vehicle Grants

December 15-- Coldwater Heritage Partnership Watershed Grants

December 15-- President’s Environmental Youth Award

December 16-- DEP Grants/Rebates Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

December 20-- NEW. PennDOT Students Grade 9-12 Innovations Challenge - Roadside Litter

December 30-- USDA Rural Stormwater, Water Infrastructure Funding

December 31-- OSI Delaware Watershed Protection Fund Transition & Catalyst Grants

December 31-- DEP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Rebates

March 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

March 22-- DEP Act 101 Recycling Implementation Grants

April 1-- DEP Chesapeake Bay Farm Conservation Plan Grants

June 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants

-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.

-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.


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