EPA Approves Pennsylvania’s Drinking Water And Clean Water Infrastructure Intended Use Funding Plans

On October 22, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it has approved and helped fund Pennsylvania’s plans for nearly $200 million in water infrastructure projects that includes $40.7 million for drinking water infrastructure and $159 million for wastewater treatment infrastructure.

Pennsylvania’s intended use plan for drinking water includes a $33.9 million grant from EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, and Pennsylvania’s intended use plan for wastewater treatment projects includes a $62.9 million grant from EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund.

“The revolving fund program is essential to providing all Americans the clean and safe water they deserve,” said EPA Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Cosmo Servidio. “EPA is proud to support Pennsylvania’s plans and remains committed to helping communities with infrastructure improvements that protect their water resources.”

The DWSRF program provides low interest loans for the construction of drinking water treatment facilities and other projects vital to help ensure clean drinking water and to achieve the health objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The CWSRF program provides low interest loans for the construction of stormwater and wastewater treatment facilities and other projects vital to protecting and improving water quality in rivers, lakes and streams for drinking water, recreation and natural habitat.

The loans help communities keep water and sewer rates more affordable while addressing local water quality problems.

Along with the EPA grants, Pennsylvania’s plans are supported by $19.4 million in matching grants from the state, repayments from prior revolving fund loans, and interest earnings on revolving fund investments.

Some of the projects targeted for funding include:

-- $24.8 million to the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority to help replace about seven miles of lead service lines.

-- $5.5 million to Springdale Borough, Allegheny County to upgrade its water treatment plant and replace about two miles of aged water distribution lines.

-- $5.7 million to the City of Chester for green infrastructure projects to help to reduce stormwater runoff.

-- $10 million to Shenango Township, lawrence County to extend the sewage collection system to areas where septic systems have failed, which caused untreated wastewater to enter local waterways.

-- $5.2 million to the City of Johnstown to rehabilitate its sewer system to reduce the flow of untreated sewage to local waterways during wet weather events.

-- $35.7 million to the Borough of Rochester, Beaver County to upgrade its sewage treatment plant and pump stations to reduce the flow of untreated sewage to local waterways during wet weather events.

-- $3.6 million to the Cambria County to construct new sewer infrastructure for 148 residences in Middle Taylor Township where septic systems have malfunctioned.

-- $8.8 million to Elizabeth Borough, Allegheny County to replace a pump station that will increase capacity during storms and reduce untreated sewage from entering waterways.

-- $2 million to the Greenfield Township Sewer Authority in Lackawanna County for upgrades to its 30-year-old wastewater treatment plant.

-- $4.6 million to Montgomery County for the construction of a sewer collection system to serve the Village of Morwood and other nearby neighborhoods that have been plagued with failing septic systems.

-- $12.6 million to North East Borough, Erie County to install a new outfall and thus, improve water quality within the Sixteen Mile Creek.

For more information, visit EPA’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund webpages.

For more specifics on the intended use plans for these funds, visit DEP’s State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan webpage.


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[Posted: October 22, 2019]


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