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DCNR Begins Accepting Riparian Forest Buffer Grant Applications January 15

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will begin accepting applications to support the installation of Riparian Forest Buffers on January 15.  The deadline for applications is April 22.

Eligible activities include: landowner outreach, buffer design, site preparation and buffer installation, plant materials and tree shelters, and short term maintenance (within the 4-year grant period).

Projects can propose conventional or multifunctional (income-producing) riparian forest buffers.

Multifunctional buffers refer to a riparian forest buffer that includes both native riparian forested trees and shrubs as well as harvested products such as berries, woody florals, biomass etc.

The multifunctional buffer concept was designed to appeal to a broader set of landowners, provide greater program flexibility, address long-term maintenance issues, and allow landowners to reap a modest income from their buffers.

Additional specifics about the concept are provided on DCNR buffer webpage.

All buffers must include a minimum 15-foot-wide no-harvest zone next to the streambank of native tree and shrub species (zone 1) with additional acreage dedicated to conventional or multifunctional buffer plant species (zones 2 and 3).

Applicants are strongly encouraged to implement an average buffer width of at least 35 feet. 

Applicants who undertake a buffer project must be willing to enter into a landowner agreement with each participating landowner for a minimum of 25 years. The agreement will address maintenance requirements among other considerations.

Minimum grant award of $50,000. 50/50 match required.   DCNR reserves the right to negotiate with applicants on the final award amount, acreage and scope of work.

DCNR service foresters will be available to provide technical assistance and advice on communications and outreach efforts, buffer design and species selection, and maintenance practices; they can also participate in partnerships and watershed-level projects.

Visit DCNR’s Buffer webpage for more information on forest buffers, including multifunctional buffers.

For more information and details on how to apply, visit DCNR’s Grant Opportunities webpage.

Other Watershed Grants

These watershed grant programs are now accepting applications for related buffer and farm conservation practices--

January 17-- Coldwater Heritage Partnership Watershed Conservation Grants

January 31-- Talk To Your State Senator Student Video Contest: Idea - Fund Farm Conservation

January 31-- DEP Pilot Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Proposals

March 27-- Game Commission/Wildlife For Everyone Seedlings For Schools Program

April 1-- DEP Chesapeake Bay Farm Conservation Plan Grants

April 22-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership, Rivers Conservation Grants

April 24-- Game Commission Howard Nursery Annual Seedling Sale

June 1-- U.S.D.A. Rural Stormwater, Water Infrastructure Funding (apply anytime)


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[Posted: January 10, 2020]


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