This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for awards and grants and other recognition programs. NEW means new from last week.
February 3-- DCNR Begins Accepting ATV - Snowmobile Trail Grants
February 7-- PA Environmental Professionals Student Scholarships
February 7-- 2020 Western PA Environmental Awards
February 11-- EPA Research Grants On PFAS Impacts On Rural, Agricultural Communities
February 13-- Schuylkill River Restoration Fund Grant Letters Of Intent
February 19-- Fish & Boat Commission State Wildlife Grants
February 20-- Penn State Extension Master Well Owners
February 21-- PA Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Program
February 28-- NFWF Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient Reduction Grants
February 28-- PennFuture Women In Conservation Awards - Southwest PA
March 1-- DEP, DCNR Student Internships (Earlier The Better To Apply)
March 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
March 4-- PA Organization For Watersheds & Rivers Sojourn Grants
March 6-- NEW. DEP Clean Diesel Program Grants
March 6-- Dept. Of Health Student Art Competition On Lyme Disease
March 15-- Fallingwater 2020 Student Gnome House Design Challenge
March 20-- DEP Section 902 Recycling Implementation Grants
March 24-- NEW. DEP FAST Corridor Refueling Infrastructure Grants
March 27-- Game Commission/Wildlife For Everyone Seedlings For Schools Program
March 27-- Delaware Highlands Conservancy Student Scholarships
March 31-- PA American Water Environmental Grants
March 31-- PennVEST Center For Water Quality Excellence Proposals
March 31-- DEP 2019 Host Municipality Inspector Grants
March 31-- DCNR ATV - Snowmobile Trail Grants
March 31-- U.S.D.A. Rural Energy For America
April 1-- DEP Chesapeake Bay Farm Conservation Plan Grants
April 3-- Dept. Of Agriculture Farm Vitality Planning Grants
April 22-- DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants
April 22-- DCNR Riparian Forest Buffer Grants
April 24-- DEP Food Recovery Infrastructure Grants
April 24-- Game Commission Howard Nursery Annual Seedling Sale
April 30-- PPL Future Environmental Leaders Student Scholarships
May 3-- Pike Conservation District Environmental Grant
May 31-- CFA Act 13 Watershed, Greenways Program Grants
June 1-- Western PA Trail Volunteer Fund Grants
June 1-- U.S.D.A. Rural Stormwater, Water Infrastructure Funding (apply anytime)
June 5-- NEW. DEP Marine & Rail Freight Movers Clean Transportation Grants
June 30-- NEW. Federal OSM Mine Drainage Watershed Grants
September 8-- A Parks & Forests Foundation Photo Contest
-- Visit the DEP Grant, Loan and Rebate Programs webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for environmental projects.
-- Visit the DCNR Apply for Grants webpage for a listing of financial assistance available from DCNR.