National Conservation District Assn. Releases First Pollinator Conservation Field Day Guide

On March 3, the National Association of Conservation Districts announced the release of a free, first-of-its-kind curriculum, “A Guide to Conducting a Pollinator Conservation Field Day.”

The guide was developed through support from the David Rockefeller Fund Pollinator Education Initiative Grant and the Pollinator Partnership.

This new curriculum is designed to provide interactive learning experiences for grades K-8, engaging them in habitat-focused, pollinator-themed activities for the classroom and outdoors.

Each activity has been correlated to education standards and provides a pathway to valuable partnerships with local soil and water conservation districts.

“By arming both traditional and non-traditional educators and facilitators with this field day guide, NACD will help provide additional avenues for communities to interact and forge relationships with their local conservation districts,” NACD President Tim Palmer said.

The new curriculum guides teachers and educators through the resources and tools needed to conduct a successful pollinator field day, including planning and implementation guidelines, materials and evaluation strategies.

“After years of population decline, pollinators need our help,” Pollinator Partnership President and CEO Laurie Davies Adams said. “We are pleased to help support NACD’s work to create this field guide, facilitating better awareness and understanding of our hardworking pollinators."

Click Here for a copy of the Pollinator Field Day Curriculum Guide.


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[Posted: March 3, 2020]


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