PUC Suspends Door-To-Door, In-Person Marketing By Energy Suppliers During Coronavirus Emergency

On March 16, the Public Utility Commission Chairman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille announced she signed an emergency order suspending all door-to-door, in-person and public event sales activities by agents of competitive electric and natural gas suppliers in the Commonwealth’s retail energy markets.

Under the unique circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, establishing a moratorium on activities of this nature for all customer classes – as to help minimize non-essential personal social contact – is consistent with the Governor’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency and the requirements of the Public Utility Code.

“Section 1501 of the Public Utility Code provides that every public utility has a duty to furnish and maintain adequate, efficient, safe and reasonable service as is necessary for the accommodation, convenience and safety of its patrons, employees and the public,” Chairman Dutrieuille stated. “Due to this unprecedented emergency, we find that door-to-door, public events and any in-person sales and marketing of competitive energy supply is not a necessity at this time, given the need to protect the public health and safety.”

Pursuant to the Commission’s regulations governing emergency relief, an emergency order will be issued only when there exists a clear and present danger to life or property or when the relief requested is uncontested and action is required prior to the next scheduled public meeting.

Chairman Dutrieuille also urged consumers to report any public sales and marketing activity by an agent of a competitive suppliers to the PUC’s Bureau of Consumer Services at 1-800-692-7380 as well as alert their local utility.

 The complete list of regulations governing marketing and sales practices for Pennsylvania’s retail residential energy markets is found at 52 Pa. Code, Chapter 111.

Click Here for a copy of the emergency order.

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[Posted: March 26, 2020]


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