Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Butler Senior High Students Couldn’t Be There On Release Day For Their Trout In The Classroom Project, But They Found A Way

The students raising rainbow trout as part of the Trout In The Classroom Program at Butler Senior High School couldn’t be there for ‘release day’ this year because their school was shut down.

But volunteers shared the day anyway through a video of the whole process and now you can too.

Click Here to watch the video.

The Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom Program is an interdisciplinary program in which students learn about current and past impacts, management, and protection and enhancement opportunities of Pennsylvania’s coldwater resources, while raising trout in the classroom. 

Throughout the year, students are not only introduced to the importance of coldwater conservation efforts, ecosystems, habitat, water resources and management strategies to protect/enhance those resources; but they are also introduced to recreational opportunities in which to enjoy those resources. 

Each TIC program is unique and has applications in environment and ecology, science, mathematics, social studies, language and fine arts, and physical education.

All classrooms end the year by releasing their trout into a “Stocked Trout Waterway.”

There are approximately 450 classrooms across the state implementing the Trout in the Classroom Program reaching over 40,000 students.

Pennsylvania's statewide TIC program is made possible through a unique partnership between Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited and the Fish and Boat Commission.

This partnership provides curriculum resources, workshops, technical support, trout eggs and food, and grants.

Visit the Pennsylvania Trout In the Classroom Program website for more information on how you can be part of the program.

[Posted: April 25, 2020]


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