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Organizations Urge PA Lawmakers To Create Clean Energy Jobs With Carbon Pollution Reduction Program

On June 9, Representatives from AIA Pennsylvania, Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2), Green Building United, and the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance (KEEA) invite the Senate and House to a balanced conversation about effective policies that could jump-start Pennsylvania’s economy in the wake of COVID-19.

"Instead of prioritizing legislation that will surely face a veto [Senate Bill 950 (Pittman-R-Indiana) -- and its companion bill House Bill 2025 (Strazzi-R-Indiana)], the House of Representatives should instead focus on how to most effectively invest proceeds from RGGI,” said Julian Boggs, Policy Director for KEEA. “Now more than ever, Pennsylvania needs to increase investment in energy efficiency to recover and continue to grow our economy."

“We’ve seen firsthand the quantifiable savings of dollars and greenhouse gas emissions that RGGI brings,” said Katie Bartolotta, Policy and Programs Director for Green Building United. “Pennsylvania should welcome the opportunity to join RGGI to save consumers money, stimulate our economy, and improve our environment and public health.”

"RGGI investments in programs to help non-profits, schools, and under-resourced communities would expand the benefits of clean energy to more Pennsylvanians and could provide a critical boost to a growing renewable energy industry,” said Sharon Pillar, PA Consultant for E2. “If we combine RGGI with an extension and expansion of Pennsylvania's Advanced Energy Portfolio Standard, clean energy is poised to be a jobs engine for Pennsylvania."

“The leadership and membership of AIA Pennsylvania has committed to the 2030 Challenge on Sustainability,” said Amal Mahrouki, Director of Legislative Affairs for AIA Pennsylvania. “We believe that RGGI will help to create a better and more sustainable built environment. We look forward to an open dialogue with legislators about this program and others like it. We support programs like RGGI that benefit the triple bottom line of people, profits, and the planet.”

Clean energy – energy efficiency, renewable energy, storage, and clean transportation – accounted for nearly 91,000 Pennsylvania jobs in 2019, but in March and April 2020, more than 20,000 of these jobs were lost due to COVID-19.

According to the DEP, the value of RGGI proceeds in Pennsylvania could reach $300 million or more annually. Investing these proceeds into energy efficiency and renewable energy projects would deliver economic recovery and growth, create local jobs, and save Pennsylvanians money on utility bills.

Legislation that invests the proceeds from RGGI into energy efficiency and renewable energy programs will speed the economic recovery, particularly in areas that have experienced and are threatened by market-driven power plant closures.

AIA PA, E2, GBU, and KEEA stand ready to collaborate on such a policy, which will put the Commonwealth back to work.

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[Posted: June 9, 2020]


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