Northeast Recycling Council Call For Spring Virtual 2021 Conference Presentations

The Northeast Recycling Council has issued a call for presentations at its virtual Spring 2021 Conference to be held March 30-31.  The deadline is December 16.

NERC’s Conferences are unique in that they provide an opportunity for government and industry to discuss the issues considered the most important and timely for advancing toward a circular economy.

The Conferences attract an expert speaker pool and a diverse audience of government, industry, non-profits, consultants working in sustainable materials management, and students interested in recycling issues.

The Council is seeking abstracts about the following: Demystifying Recycling Markets; Refillables/Reusables; Existing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Programs (E-waste, Mattresses, Paints, Thermostats, etc.); Other Topics.

Abstract (350 words or less sent as a Microsoft Word or PDF file) - Detail the proposed presentation content. Specify if and when you have presented the topic at another event (include event name, location, and date). Speaker bio and contact information (cell phone number and email address)

Send Submissions to Mary Ann Remolador, NERC’s Assistant Director & Events Organizer, by email to:  If you have any questions, call at 802-451-8852.

Visit the Northeast Recycling Council website for more information on programs, initiatives and other upcoming events.

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[Posted: November 16, 2020]


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