Scrapbook Photo 12/02/24 - 90 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Scholars to Address Latest Climate Change Science October 5

The Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council will sponsor a presentation on October 5 by Dr. Richard B. Alley and Dr. Michael Mann, two pre-eminent scholars on the latest trends in climate change.

The event will be held the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg starting at 7:30 p.m.

“We are fortunate to have access to such qualified speakers,” noted Dr. Richard Bowden, Associate Professor of Environmental Science at Allegheny College and chair of the Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy. “The goal of the event is to stimulate greater awareness of the problem of climate change in the Harrisburg region.”

“The Pennsylvania Environmental Council is pleased to co-sponsor this event because we are interested in advancing the conversation about climate change in our region,” said Brian J. Hill, President & CEO of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. “These two scientists will bring a great deal of knowledge that we hope to begin applying in a practical way in the coming year.”

Both Brown and Hill hoped the event is the beginning of an ongoing conversation about this issue, and that input from those attending is essential for addressing climate change issues in the future.

Dr. Richard B. Alley is the Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences & Associate of the Earth and Environmental Systems Initiatives at Penn State University.

His recent book, The Two-Mile Time Machine: Ice Cores, Abrupt Climate Change and Our Future, addresses his key findings on climate changes surprises and the potential for rapid non-linear responses of the climate system. He has chaired the National Research Council panel on abrupt climate change, and is a frequently quoted expert on these issues.

Dr. Michael Mann is most noted for his articles supporting the trend of rising temperature trends – recently dubbed the “hockey stick graph.” Mann is the Director of System Science Center and Associate Professor in the Departments of Meteorology and Geosciences at Penn State University. He has authored the article “Climate Variability and Change” for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Third Scientific Assessment Report in 2001.

Both speakers will address the latest scientific findings followed by an opportunity for questions and answers. Additionally, Dr Rich Bowden, chair of PCIEP, and Brian Hill will provide an overview of the ways their organizations are addressing this issue.

There is no charge for the program which is open to the public. Those interested in attending should call 717-787-9368 before September 29.


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