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PA Conservative Energy Forum: 68% Of Voters Support Candidates Who Back Clean Energy

On January 12, the Conservative Energy Network-- a coalition of 21 state-based conservative clean energy organizations, including the PA Conservative Energy Forum in Pennsylvania-- released results of a national survey that examines likely voters’ attitudes towards clean energy following the 2020 U.S. election.

The survey, conducted online by Glen Bolger of Public Opinion Strategies, polled 1,000 respondents across the nation. Respondents, all likely voters, were asked questions about clean energy, competition and related policy issues, and the importance of these issues to their vote in November.

The results of this poll demonstrate the impact of energy, and clean energy specifically, on conservative candidates running in 2020.

Respondents were clear on the political implications of support for clean energy.

-- 72 percent of voters, a clear majority, say that it is important that a candidate share their stance on clean energy Issues;

-- 68 percent of voters would support a candidate who backs clean energy development efforts; and

-- 75 percent of respondents said they would be more favorable to congressional Republicans if they embraced a conservative, market-based approach to clean energy policy.

Anecdotally, CED said this trend was demonstrated in the Georgia runoff. The sole conservative victor in the state on January 5 was Public Service Commissioner Bubba McDonald, an outspoken supporter of solar power known as the “Godfather of Solar” in the state, who outperformed other Republican candidates on the ticket.

Voters across the political spectrum also continue to agree about the economic benefits of clean energy.  A majority of voters across party lines believe that the U.S. should put more emphasis on wind, solar and hydropower sources.

Additionally, 80 percent of voters believe that the U.S. should accelerate clean energy development to grow the economy and bring jobs to their states, and 87 percent favor allowing more electricity competition, which would give people the choice of what companies they buy their power from.

CEN polling shows that while voters overwhelmingly want more clean energy, they don’t want progressive policies that grow government and give environmentalists a blank check-- policies like the Green New Deal,” said Mark Pischea, CEN President and CEO. “They want conservative policies applied to support the growth of our clean energy economy, and more and more they are showing support for the leaders who embrace commonsense, market-focused policy initiatives to usher in a clean energy future. I’m optimistic that opportunity exists for bi-partisan solutions that will generate enduring clean energy policy-- particularly at the state and local levels.”

CEN polling in October 2020, in partnership with The Conservation Coalition, demonstrated a growing interest in clean energy and climate issues nationally, and CEN hopes that this trend continues in 2021 and beyond.

Visit the PA Conservative Energy Forum for more information.  Questions should be directed to Chad Forcey, Executive Director of the PA Conservative Energy Forum,  by sending an email to:

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[Posted: January 14, 2021]


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