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PA Forestry Assn. - Upcoming Webinars: Annual Forest Health & Disease Update; Women In Forestry; Natural Area Management And More

The PA Forestry Association highlighted these upcoming webinars in their most recent newsletter--

Starting Feb. 23 - Forest Health, Insect & Disease Update

Forest Health, Insect, and Disease Update is a live webinar series provided in partnership with the DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Division of Forest Health. This series is being offered as a replacement to the annual face-to-face spring Briefing.

The webinars will be held February 23 and 25 and March 2 and 4 with daytime and evening webinar options available.

An update will be provided on the status of Pennsylvania's forest insect and disease problems, and other important forest health information.

Designed specifically for forestry and other natural resource management professionals, each session will be recorded and recording links will be distributed to all registrants.

A variety of professional education credits are available for these programs.

For more information and to register, visit the Forest Health, Insect, and Disease Update webpage.

Starting Feb. 23 - Advanced Natural Area Management

An eight-part, four-week webinar series offered by Penn State Extension will give green industry professionals the knowledge they need to provide natural area management services to small acreage clients.

The Woods in Your Backyard Partnership, comprised of Penn State Extension, University of Maryland Extension, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, and the Virginia Department of Forestry, created an “Advanced Level II” webinar series for Green Industry professionals to gain knowledge and skills useful for providing additional services to clientele.

This series will provide in-depth instruction on various topics, including wildlife habitat enhancement, tree planting and maintenance, riparian buffer establishment, woodland silviculture, and invasive plant management.

Two seminars on related topics will be offered in themed weekly sessions from 7-8:30 p.m. starting February 23, 2021. Presentations on February 23 and 25 highlight wildlife habitat enhancement, March 2 and 4 address tree planting, establishment, maintenance, and riparian areas, March 11 and 12 focus on woodland management, and March 16 and 18 features vegetation management, invasive plant control, and herbicides.

Registrants have the option to attend each live session or only those that interest them. Each will be recorded and links to recordings will be sent to all registrants. The certificate of attendance, provided to all “live” session attendees, can get submitted for professional development credits.

“Course content is designed to provide green industry professionals with practical techniques needed to grow their business by providing additional services to clientele”, stated Penn State Extension educator David Jackson, who specializes in forest resources management.

A resource manual entitled the “Woodland Health Practices Handbook” and the specialized checklist tool complement the training and are available with registration.

Click Here for more information and to register.

Feb. 25 Women In Forestry

The Forest Resources Association will host guest speakers that will discuss their backgrounds in the industry and the choices that led them to where they are today.

The panelists will also examine the skill sets that helped them succeed as leaders in the industry, their mentors along the way, examples and recommendations on how forestry organizations can support women in their ranks, and the mentoring and support they provide to other women in the industry.

FRA’s Deb Hawkinson will be joined by leaders from the forest products industry:

-- Jody Strickland, Chief Business Officer, F&W Forestry Services, Inc. – Jody serves on FRA’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

-- Lynn Wilson, WinterTide LLC and formerly V.P. at LP Building Solutions – Lynn is a former FRA member.

-- Donna Kopecky, Public Policy Manager at LP Building Solutions – Donna serves on FRA’s National Public Policy and Advocacy Committee.

Click Here to register for this free program.

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming and more, visit the PA Forestry Association website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates.

(Reprinted from the latest PA Forestry Association newsletter.   Click Here to sign up for your own copy.)

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-- PA Forestry Assn: How Non-Native Plants Are Contributing To A Global Insect Decline

[Posted: February 9, 2021]


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