CBF Op-Ed: As We Learn More About Tiny Bits Of Plastic In The Water, There 'R' Things We Can Do

By Harry Campbell, Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA

A new report found that microplastics are contaminating Pennsylvania’s rivers and streams in every place researchers looked.  Sadly, for scientists who study our waters, this is hardly surprising.  

Microplastics are tiny bits that are less than five millimeters in length (or about the size of a sesame seed).  Many aren’t visible with the naked eye.  

They are everywhere. They’re in the water.  They’re in our food.  They’re even in the air.  And they’re in our bodies.  Thus far, everywhere scientists have looked, they’ve found them.   

Plastic bags, cups, straws, toys, shipping materials are just a few examples of the many, many types of plastics we use every day.  

Over time they begin to breakdown into smaller and smaller pieces until what often remains are microscopic synthetic chemical compounds. 

These tiny particles and many of the chemicals attached to them often pass through sewage treatment plant systems, septic systems, and drinking water filtration systems.  

It is a concern that very little is known about what these tiny particles are doing to our health and the health of aquatic and terrestrial critters.

Those who study the environment and human health have been raising alarms and calling for studies about the potential damage these particles and chemicals are having. 

What is known is that preliminary studies on human cell cultures and in rodents have observed cellular inflammation and damage, as well as certain immune system reactions. 

Researchers found that chronic exposure to microplastic fibers causes serious damage to fish gills and changes in egg production in female fish, indicating that the fibers affect their hormonal systems. 

Whether this is because of the chemicals in the fibers or those that have “hitched a ride” onto them has yet to be determined. 

One recent study found that several hydrophobic compounds—chemicals that don’t dissolve easily in water, like certain pesticides and industrial chemicals—were found on the surface of microplastics collected from coastal waters.

When tested, these substances caused cells to respond as if they were exposed to the hormone estrogen which is implicated in many health impacts, including “intersex” conditions in fish.  

The U.S. Geological Survey has found “intersex” fish in Pennsylvania’s rivers and streams, including the lower Susquehanna River. 

More recent findings suggest that endocrine disrupting compounds implicated in this finding are concentrated in areas dominated by certain types of agriculture, as well as areas with septic systems.

Previous studies also tied sewage treatment plant discharges to intersect conditions. 

So, what can be done?  You’ve probably heard about the “3 r’s”—reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

Wherever possible, seek alternatives to plastic, like glass and paper.  Reuse what you have.  Recycle whenever possible.  

Trees can also be an answer. The U.S. Geological Survey study noted earlier found that rivers and streams with streamside trees, called forested riparian buffers, have lower levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals.

These buffers are also known to be one of the most cost-effective practices for protecting and restoring streams, as well as providing flood mitigation and other benefits.

Trees can make a difference.

It’s why the Chesapeake Bay Foundation is coordinating the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership, an effort to plant 10 million trees along streams, streets, and other ecologically important areas.

Finally, there are fourth and fifth “r’s”—rethink and regulate. 

We need to rethink our relationship with plastics with new chemistries that make them more readily biodegradable with less toxic compounds.

It’s also time to tell our lawmakers that better rules and regulations on problematic plastics can protect human health, as well as health of our local rivers and streams.

For more on Chesapeake Bay-related issues in Pennsylvania, visit the Chesapeake Bay Foundation-PA webpage.  Click Here to sign up for Pennsylvania updates (bottom of left column).  Click Here to support their work.

Also visit the Keystone 10 Million Trees Partnership to learn how you can help clean water grow on trees.

CBF has over 275,000 members in Bay Watershed.

[PA Chesapeake Bay Plan

[For more information on Pennsylvania’s plan, visit DEP’s Chesapeake Bay Office webpage.

[How Clean Is Your Stream?

[DEP’s Interactive Report Viewer allows you to zoom in on your own stream or watershed to find out how clean your stream is or if it has impaired water quality using the latest information in the draft 2020 Water Quality Report.]

Harry Campbell is Pennsylvania Science Policy and Advocacy Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

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[Posted: March 11, 2021]


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