Penn State Extension Water Cooler Talk: A Snapshot Of Rural Drinking Water June 30

Penn State Extension will hold another in its series of Water Cooler Talk webinars on June 30 - A Snapshot of Rural Drinking Water - from Noon to 1:00 p.m.

Nearly three million rural residents of Pennsylvania rely on a private well, spring, or cistern for their drinking water but is one of the few states lacking regulations on their construction, location, and testing.

About 40 percent of private drinking water supplies fail at least one health-based drinking water standard. However, most homeowners are unaware of unsafe drinking water due to a lack of proper water testing.

This presentation will summarize 40 years of Penn State research on private drinking water supplies. Including why they are unregulated, emerging water quality concerns, and perceptions among water supply owners.

Click Here to register for this free program or for more information.

For information on other educational programs, visit the Penn State Extension website. Click Here to sign up for updates from Extension.

[Posted: June 1, 2021]


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